Bug and Issue Manager
The Dolibarr bug manager allows you to report to the Dolibarr development team, any bugs that you find in the Dolibarr software.
To save all of us time and effort, please follow the below best practises in order to submit a bug report:
* Search the bug tracker to check if the bug has already been reported. If yes, then please do not submit another ticket.
* Try to find an answer in the Dolibarr forum. Maybe the bug is already reported, and a solution or workaround has already been provided.
* If you did not find the bug, report it and describe the way in which you can reproduce it. Include details such as version of Dolibarr, type of database: mysql or postgresql, menu you used to reach the page, data you typed in as inputs, and any other useful information that maybe required to reproduce the bug.
The bug tracker and feature requests are managed at the following URL: