Dolibarr ERP CRM 3.5.3 (maintenance release for branch 3.5) is available

dolibarrDolibarr 3.5.3, a maintenance release for branch 3.5 of Dolibarr ERP & CRM is available.

Dolibarr 3.5.3 contains only fixes of bugs found into 3.5 branch. We recommend everybody that use version 3.5.3 to upgrade to this new version. As any maintenance release, no new features, nor data structure change is present into this version (see Read more for full list of fixes). 

You can download it from stable section of download area

This release is also second release to use the fully automated new system, including tagging of Github and synchronization with Sourceforge.

This is list of changes of this maintenance release and previous other maintenance release of branch 3.5:

***** ChangeLog for 3.5.3 compared to 3.5.2 *****
Fix: Error on field accountancy code for export profile of invoices.
Fix: [ bug #1351 ] VIES verification link broken.
Fix: [ bug #1352 ] Removing a shipping does not remove the delivery.
Fix: Option MAIN_INVERT_SENDER_RECIPIENT broken with typhon template.
Fix: Can disable features with PHPEXCEL (no DLSF compatible).
Fix: Can disable features with CKEDITOR. 
Fix: Pb of records not correctly cleaned when module marge is
     uninstalled (conflict between 'margin' and 'margins').
Fix: [ bug #1341 ] Lastname not added by file or direct input in mass e-mailing.
Fix: [ bug #1357 ] Invoice creator state not printed in generated invoice documents.
Fix: Suppliers invoice mask fails using {tttt} in numbering.
Fix: [ bug #1350 ] pdf template name for typhon was not correctly set when enabling module.
Fix: Navigation on notes for shipments was not working.
Fix: [ bug #1353 ] Email notifications, wrong URL.
Fix: [ bug #1362 ] Note is not saved.
Fix: tr/td balance.
Fix: [ bug #1360 ] note indicator for member tab.
Fix: Nb of notes and doc not visible onto tasks.
Fix: [ bug #1372 ] Margin calculation does not work in proposals.
Fix: [ bug #1381 ] PHP Warning when listing stock transactions page.
Fix: [ bug #1367 ] "Show invoice" link after a POS sell throws an error.
Fix: TCPDF error file not found in member card generation.
Fix: [ bug #1380 ] Customer invoices are not grouped in company results report.
Fix: [ bug #1393 ] PHP Warning when creating a supplier invoice.
Fix: [ bug #1399 ] [pgsql] Silent warning when setting a propal as "facturée" in propal.php
Fix: When number reach 9999 with default numbering module, next number
     will be 10000 instead of 0000 and error.
Fix: element page on project give wrong href link.
Fix: [ bug #1397 ] Filter by supplier orders with status Draft does not filter.
Fix: [ bug #1388 ] Wrong date when invoicing several orders.
Fix: [ bug #1411 ] Unable to set an expedition note if invoices module is not enabled.
Fix: [ bug #1407 ] Rouget pdf overlapped when using tracking number and public notes.
Fix: [ bug #1405 ] Rouget PDF expedition incorrect when two expeditions under the same commande
Fix: [ bug #1434 ] Muscadet supplier order document model linked objects overlap the text

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