Dolibarr ERP CRM 3.5.4 (maintenance release for branch 3.5) is available
Dolibarr 3.5.4, a maintenance release for branch 3.5 of Dolibarr ERP & CRM is available.
Dolibarr 3.5.4 contains only fixes of bugs found into 3.5 branch. We recommend everybody using an older version to upgrade to this one. As any maintenance release, no new features, nor data structure change is present into this version (see Read more for full list of fixes).
You can download it from stable section of download area
This release is also second release to use the fully automated new system, including tagging of Github and synchronization with Sourceforge.
This is list of changes available into this version compared to previous one:
***** ChangeLog for 3.5.4 compared to 3.5.3 *****
Fix: Hide title of event when agenda module disabled.
Fix: When using option MAIN_MAIL_ALLOW_SENDMAIL_F, a mail was sent to sender.
Fix: Question about warehouse must not be done when module stock is disabled.
Fix: Option STOCK_SUPPORTS_SERVICES was not correctly implemented
(missing test at some places).
Fix: Renaming a project with uplaoded files failed.
Fix: [ bug #1476 ] Invoice creation form loses invoice date when there is a validation error.
Fix: [ bug #1431 ] Reception and Send supplier order box has a weird top margin.
Fix: [ bug #1428 ] "Nothing" is shown in the middle of the screen in a supplier order.
Fix: The object deliverycompany was not used anymore and output of
details for delivery reports was lost during 3.5. Rewrite code to
restore feature.
Fix: [ bug #1445 ] html fix : missing </tr>
Fix: [ bug #1415 ] Intervention document model name and suppliers model names is not shown
properly in module configuration
Fix: [ bug #1416 ] Supplier order does not list document models in the select box of the
supplier order card
Fix: [ bug #1443 ] Payment conditions is erased after editing supplier invoice label or
limit date for payment
Fix: Filter on status was not visible when selected from url.
Fix: Filtering on status was last when asking to sort.
Fix: [ bug #1432 ] Trigger SHIPPING_CREATE ignores interception on error.
Fix: [ bug #1449 ] Trigger ORDER_CREATE, LINEORDER_DELETE, LINEORDER_UPDATE and LINEORDER_INSERT ignore interception on error.
Fix: [ bug #1450 ] Several Customer order's triggers do not report the error from the trigger handler.
Fix: [ bug #1451 ] Interrupted order clone through trigger, loads nonexistent order.
Fix: [ bug #1454 ] Mention de bas de page erroné
Fix: Do not display dictionnay for non activated module
Fix: Link element from element project pages
Fix: [ bug #1509 ] Expedition admin free text & watermark submit error
Fix: [ bug #1349 ] AJAX contact selector does not work fine in Project card
Fix: [ bug #1452 ] variable used but not defined
Fix: If multiprice level is used the VAT on addline is not correct
Fix: [ bug #1254 ] Error when using "Enter" on qty input box of a product (on supplier order part)
Fix: [ bug #1462, 1468, 1480, 1483, 1490, 1497] $this instead of $object
Fix: [ bug #1455 ] outstanding amount
Fix: [ bug #1425 ] LINEBILL_SUPPLIER_DELETE failure trigger leads to an endless loop
Fix: [ bug #1460 ] Several supplier order triggers do not show error messages
Fix: [ bug #1461 ] LINEORDER_SUPPLIER_CREATE does not intercept supplier order line insertion
Fix: [ bug #1484 ] BILL_SUPPLIER_PAYED trigger action does not intercept failure under some circumstances
Fix: [ bug #1482 ] Several supplier invoice triggers do not show trigger error messages
Fix: [ bug #1486 ] LINEBILL_SUPPLIER_CREATE and LINEBILL_SUPPLIER_UPDATE triggers do not intercept trigger action
Fix: [ bug #1522 ] Element list into associate object into project are no more filterd by project thirdparty
Fix: [ bug #1526 ] Thumbs of files uploaded with dots in their names do not load correctly
Fix: Import ProfId1 to siren and ProfId2 to siret
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