Dolibarr ERP CRM 3.5.6 (maintenance release for branch 3.5) is available
Dolibarr 3.5.6, a maintenance release for branch 3.5 of Dolibarr ERP & CRM is available.
Dolibarr 3.5.6 contains only fixes of bugs found into 3.5 branch. We recommend everybody using an older version of the branch 3.5.* to upgrade to this version. As any maintenance release, no new features, nor data structure change is present (see Read more for full list of fixes).
You can download it from stable section of download area
This is list of changes available into this version compared to previous one:
***** ChangeLog for 3.5.6 compared to 3.5.5 *****
Fix: Avoid missing class error for fetch_thirdparty method #1973
Fix: Can't update phone_pro from web service
Fix: Some security holes.
Fix: copy extrafields when creating order from proposal.
Fix: report on action was not filtering by environment.
Fix: Avoid missing class error.
Fix: Add function dolEscapeXML.
Fix: Bad days and month reported by function.
Fix: Bad margin calculation.
***** ChangeLog for 3.5.5 compared to 3.5.4 *****
Fix: Holiday module was broken. Initializaion of amount of holidays failed.
Fix: [ bug #1523 ] suite bug #1334 : filtre et ordre de tri conjoints ne s'appliquent pas.
Fix: Fusion PDF button on unpaid invoice is no more displayed.
Fix: Unpaid invoice launch fusion PDF action even if it is only search (with enter keyboard input instead of lens click).
Fix: Pb when showing log list of holiday module with some mysql versions.
Fix: Error with bad timezone pushed by some browsers.
Fix: shipping list SQL request was not filtering on shipping element
Fix: debian package provided by dolibarr team must use embedded libraries.
Fix: [ bug #1528 ] Leopard Services numeration module description is not translated.
Fix: [ bug #1523 ] suite bug #1334 : filtre et ordre de tri conjoints ne s'appliquent pas.
Fix: [ bug #1534 ] Unknown error when deleting a product photo under special circumstances.
Fix: Update impayees.php
Fix: Link product, In list view and label product.
Fix: visible task into area "time" for "My task" must limit task to tasks i am assigned to.
Fix: When disabled, all fields to add time into task line must be disabled.
Fix: Missing include files.lib.php in some pages to use dol_delete_recursive.
Fix: [ bug #1558 ] Product/service edit page title shows new Ref instead of old ref.
Fix: [ bug #1553 ] Saving User displays setup removes menu.
Fix: [ bug #1544 ] Can remove date from invoice.
Fix: list event view lost type event filter.
Fix: Add code save on create event.
Fix: SQL injection.
Fix: [ bug #1589 ] Menu type in "Edit menu" page is not translated
Fix: [ bug #1591 ] Linked object block shows Total HT/TTC even if not having permission to read them
Fix: [ bug #1577 ] When creating new Private individual third, selected third type is ignored
Fix: [ bug #1555 ] Update accountancy code of products does not throw PRODUCT_MODIFY trigger
Fix: [ bug #1548 ] Supplier payment card shows type in French
Fix: [ bug #1546 ] Incorrect page number when searching in the list of bank transactions
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