hello, i have the same problem.
The conversion completes when I test it on the server. but after creating ODT file in dolibarr it comes with .odt extension.
I still haven’t been able to solve the problem.
thank you for your help

Doli version : 14.0.2
Server : Centos 7 - Cpanel/Whm
host: PHP version 7.4

I tried this solution published by ### h6585 . (of course all other solutions didn’t work)

MAIN_DOL_SCRIPTS_ROOT = /home/xx/public_html/erp/scripts/odt2pdf/
MAIN_ODT_AS_PDF = pyodconverter

file dir : /home/xx/public_html/erp/scripts/odt2pdf

odt2pdf.zip (5.4 KB)

Host PHP-FPM setttings: exec,pasthru,shell_exec, system = allow

Server test:
[root@server1 odt2pdf]# ./odt2pdf.sh test pyodconverter
[root@server1 odt2pdf]#
[root@server1 odt2pdf]# ls
DocumentConverter.py odt2pdf.sh #old_odt2pdf.sh test.odt test.pdf
[root@server1 odt2pdf]#
here the function does not work!