I’m facing this same problem all of sudden. Earlier it was working for a while… Now it’s not.
When anyone digitally signs and clicks on sign button the web freezes with hourglass, no further update.
How can I fix this?
I’m using v19.0.2
I’m facing this same problem all of sudden. Earlier it was working for a while… Now it’s not.
When anyone digitally signs and clicks on sign button the web freezes with hourglass, no further update.
How can I fix this?
I’m using v19.0.2
what does your apache log and dolibarr.log file say when signing is attempted?
how do I check that on a Shared hosting (cpanel)?
I don’t know, I host my own container from Tuxgasy.
You probably still have to enable debug logging. So go into Home, Setup, Modules / Applications, search for debug, and then enable at least Debug logs, perhaps also the debug bar.
here is the debug log capture when I press the online sign button.
any fix to this will be beneficial.
dolibarr.log (19.0 KB)
I’m not seeing any errors. What is the output of the webserver log?
If you are on a shared server, a common reason is that your server does not grant you enough memory.
This can be confirmed by reading the apache error.log. But on mutualized hosting, only the hosting provider can give you access to it.
I did check my physical memory, it’s 1GB.
Also, its average usage isn’t more than 240MB.
Ideally, how much should I have to have a smooth system running?
Also, I’m getting this error (browser pop-up dialogue box) when a customer tries to sign the document:
Error on calling the core/ajax/onlineSign.php. Bad value for securitykey. Value provided $2y$10$GKp/s1tumfv06lIIdMLP2.JkzdCYGtO.dD.RLU7u/j4xCoHnAuHny does not match expected value for ref=
Recently upgraded from 19.0.2 to 20.0.3 thinking this might fix the issue.
1 GB is enough.
256 Mo is already enough.
So trouble may be somewhere else. Do you still have blank page ? If yes only analysis of the error.log file can help to find what’s wrong.
On my side i do not experience trouble on signing proposal with v20.*
I don’t have a blank page, but as soon as I type in the last name, sign and press the accept proposal button. I get an hourglass, and it keeps spinning for a very long time. I have waited for a few hours with no further response.
Initially, when I had setup Dolibarr 19.0.2 it was working fine, no problem at all. It suddenly started acting weird.
Where can I find error.log file?
So if it is a long wait, no need for the error log. A better way to diagnose is to open the web browser console. And check if you have console error when you press the sign button.
You can also read the tab “Network” and click on the line of the page to see what is the payload content sent when you click…
I thought so… here are few screenshots.
It looks similar to this error mentioned in the past on GitHub
Are you using the multicompany module ? If yes, is the proposal into the main company (id 1) or another one ?
I am not using multi company module.
Yes, the proposal is in main company (id 1).