Newsletter 2018 - January
The 2018 new year newsletter ...
Prefered Partners
Dolibarr fundation wish you a happy new year.
May 2018 bring you health, happiness and prosperity ! Dolibarr will be with you to assist you in the success of your projects.
What's new in 2018 ?
The Dolibarr branch 7.0 is being finalized. It will include many evolutions.
Test and keep tracking bugs you identify! For the bravest or the less patient of you, all the details of the additions and corrections in the changelogs.
Mutual financing 2018 2018 |
Let's go for the 2018 financing of the account for Dolibarr!
For more information and join the group,
NB : This funding and the developments that result are an initiative independent of ZenDsi, not related to the association Dolibarr (except possible recovery of work in the core of Dolibarr).
Events to come |
Spring DevCamp will taje place in Nancy on March 9, 10 and 11. ntegrators and developers: this event is for you! This is an opportunity to meet the community and share your experience.
Official market place for plug-ins
Online host of Dolibarr project
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Dolibarr ERP & CRM is Open Source software. You can download, use and redistribute it at any time. Do you want to test the latest version of Dolibarr?