The 6th Dolibarr DevCamp - 2016, takes place in Valence (France) - 9 to 11 december
The christmas devcamp will start today for 3 days in Valence.
With its 14 years of existence and with an exponential increase in contributions over the past 4 years, Dolibarr is today a major player in world of ERP and CRM Open Source software.
This devcamp is a technical oriented congres where Dolibarr core team will speak and work on Dolibarr core code. Slides of the presentations done during congress will be published next week.
Version 5.0 is on the road and nearlly ready...
Dolibarr ERP & CRM is Open Source software. You can download, use and redistribute it at any time. Do you want to test the latest version of Dolibarr?