Access refused to **IP** by SQL or Script injection protection in - MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW

Hey everbody, how are u guys going?

I face this problem when i try to edit any info from “mails.php” when i clik save this mensage pop up. Please, someone know how to solve this?

My Doli version is: 17.0.1

Access refused to myip by SQL or Script injection protection in - GETPOST type=0 paramkey=MAIN_MAIL_SMTPS_PW paramvalue=FQ�N�aټ��k� page=/admin/mails.php


Seems that you have unauthorized characters on your SMTP password

what to do if i have a error like this:

Access refused to [MY IP] by SQL or Script injection protection in type=0

which dolibarr version? @inpilankar

@jonbendtsen I’m using Dolibarr v19.0.2 on a shared hosting

@inpilankar and what behaviour is it that gives you this error message?

@jonbendtsen when i try to modify my Outgoing emails (for module EMailing) and click save. thats when i get this error

@inpilankar possible some illegal characters in your input

@jonbendtsen maybe in password?

@inpilankar possibly

@jonbendtsen i re-entered the password, but its still giving me the same error

what if you use a different password @inpilankar - perhaps a password that only contains letters and numbers?

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I believe that removing the special characters resolved the issue. I’m still surprised, though, because this wasn’t a problem when I set up the system over the past few months. It’s quite puzzling.