Account Code Not Updated

I have created two chart of accounts namely Sales Tax Payable and Sales Tax Receivable, under Liabilities and Asset respectively. But when I tried to update bind them with the sales tax configuration in the dictionary, it is not saved. I have tried it multiple times. But when I updated the table llx_c_tva directly, it is getting shown on the front end. But when I modify it again it is not updating. What could be the problem?

You could verify that you do not have external modules. active or if you have them, turn them off 1 by 1 to see. since many times a hook may be preventing it. the update

Thanks for your response, I have checked but no external modules have been activated. I have tried disabling/enabling various related modules but still facing the issue.

which dolibarr version?

Dolibarr current version
(Programs) 20.0.1 See ChangeLog file (english only) - Latest stable version : Check
Latest version upgrade
Initial install version
(Database) 20.0.1