I want to ask 2 tough question.
- In the Ledger there is icon “+” in the upper right corner which gives possibility to add “New transactions”. So far so good. I can choose accounting journal - that’s OK and there is a empty field call “Document number” - Can that document number be filled automatically? And
- Can the transaction be added not only in the Ledger but in the respective journal to see it in the list of the transactions for reporting and audit purpose.
@rzapryanov Did you find the solution to your query? Cause we are new with Dolibarr and we are starting to use it, and the problem is how we can start journalizing the transactions.
Thank you very much. Rey 
@rzapryanov you can check this topic, they discussed about a little bit of journalization (particularly about vat) and some steps, but I’m not able to proceed… 
Urgent Help request (accounting module) - Using my Dolibarr - Dolibarr international forum
I am able to start up to step 3, but still i’m confused because it limits only to one account code… and i am asking (made a reply) for further illustration.