Hello Forum,
I am using Dolibarr 12.0.4 and want to get sent recurring invoices generated and approved automatically by cron job to the thirdparty invoice recipient.
So, I searched and found the module sendrecurringinvoicebymail version 0.2.4 and installed it successfully ( https://github.com/bugness-chl/sendrecurringinvoicebymail ).
As per the Dolibarr log file sendrecurringinvoicebymail is launched: “HookManager::initHooks Loading hooks: context=cron-path=/sendrecurringinvoicebymail/class/actions_sendrecurringinvoicebymail.class.php”
But it seems that the sendto address is not pulled becaus it is empty in the log file:
— snip —
CMailFile::CMailfile: sendmode=smtps charset=UTF-8 from=test@mymaildomain.com, to= <>, addr_cc=, addr_bcc=, errors_to=, trackid= sendcontext=standard
— snap —
In sendrecurringinvoicebymail/class/actions_sendrecurringinvoicebymail.class.php the expression to pull the recipients’ data is:
$sendto = $object->thirdparty->name . ’ <’ . $object->thirdparty->email . ‘>’;
I think that this is the position where something has to be changed to get it work correctly. But how?
Perhaps, someone can help me with this. Send recurring invoices automatically after creation might be interesting for everyone who deals with recurrent invoices.
Thank you!