Backup and Restore (how)


I understand the PHP files will be easy to backup and restore, however the SQL will be a different issue, from memory arnt the passwords encrypted, so whats the best way to make backups and more importantly how to restore it to a new database and have it work as before.

Personally we use complete system backups, so i will have a way to get in to the SQL engine, but then we have the tables and any encryption that happens and making sure these keys are left in place for it to work.

If theres an addin, that might be easier…


We did a fresh install on a different PC (had issues with this, but wont go in to it here)… the install was identical (same SQL username / password), after activated the main system with admin account, then proceeded to do a backup from the old system (which is a test).

Did a restore, was impressed it appears to have restored everything, including the company logo, HOWEVER it did not restore the custom PDF template we were working on, so had to manually copy this, interestingly though, once it was copied back it was selected, to the database was aware of the custom template in use, just didn’t copy the php file…



No it is not a bug, the php files are not put on the backup.
To have a complete Dolibarr backup you need :

  1. Document directory
  2. Database
  3. Custom php files.

Both Document and Database are backed up with a keyclick, custom php files are not, my point is using the built in backup worked (appears to, not fully testing it), but the php files are lost, the backup does not crab those at all… so using the built in backup alone will not get the whole system back.

To backup the Dolibarr database, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the application as an administrator.
  2. Select the “System Tools -> Backup ” menu item.
  3. Click the “Generate backup ” button.
  4. The backup process will now begin and the backup file will be saved to the server.
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The backup works fine manually, but it would be nice to add it in the scheduled Jobs. In Dolibarr v14.0.3 is available a default Scheduled Job that perform a backup of the database, and make easy to check the php class that is needed to be invoked.
Unfortunately is missing a Scheduled task that show how to invoke the documents backup.
Can someone help providing the class/method that is needed to call to configure properly in a schedule job the same action that is available in the backup tool as the step2, that perform a documents backup? @kasar can you help?