I recently updated my dolibarr 15.0.0 to16.0.0, now my TakePOS shows me that change in stock is disabled. I have checked if my settings were altered in anyway but everything seems fine. please i will appreciate any help on this. Cheers!
Dolibarr version 15.0.0 is not even released as of now (will probably happen within the next two weeks). Version 16 is the currently fully unstable and in parts experimental development branch, which will be released as a stable version probably in half a year from now.
If you are not a developer working on new features, but using Dolibarr in a production system, you should definitely not use a version later than 14.0.5.
Thanks priojk, the reason i updated in the first place was because i was getting a database syntax error when i try to view accounting ledger reports which was solved by the update. Any idea how to downgrade or do i have to uninstall and reinstall a lower version?
In order to downgrade, you can install the desired version. But the problem is the data - there is an automatic mechanism to perform an upgrade of the database, which converts old data formats to the used version of Dolibarr. But there is no mechanism for the downgrade, i.e. to convert the data back into an older format.
The only reliable solution is to recover the data from a backup, which had been done with the older version of the software. All data entered after this backup will then be lost.
Thanks again priojk, i will see how i can come around it… your replies have been most helpful
hi Mr. priojk, can you help me with the above problem?
thanks in anticipation
Hi I can make possible my stock decresead when I sell with take pos, I tried every option but nothing seems to work. I´m using the version 15.0.1. Can u help me please?
since I am not using TakePos actively myself, I probably cannot be of much help here.
In general, I would recommend to open a new topic since you are probably having a different problem from the original poster. Therefore it makes sense to describe in detail what you did and what does not work as expected.
For instance, I assume that you activated the stock module and that you configured it as required, including the activation for the rules for automatic stock decrease?
Does the stock decrease as expected, when you sell it regularly (invoice/shipment) and it just doesn’t work with TakePos? Etc. Hopefully, someone who set up something similar can the provide some advice.
Good continuation!
Hi @fito9507, I found the solution to the problem. Goto setup modules → TakePOS → terminal → and choose the default warehouse stock
to be decreased on the terminal.
Your the image for reference. Goodluck
if it dont appearance, you have to config in Setup - Other setup
with x is the number off warehouse and terminal
@kimphu ,
pls can u explain this solution?
if you deactivate product lot/serial module, decrease would happen on TakePOS(V17.02), however, Bulk stock change wouldnt worl cos it requires Lot/serial to be activated
using the Cashdesk code, does it allow both tools to function without hniderances?..
Await your helpful explanation