Dolibarr 10.6
IIS 8.5
PHP 7.2.2
Postgres 10.3
These screenshots are after a .csv import.
Notice the “Parent Account” column.
In the import, I entered the Account Number of the Parent Account. However, it is expecting a rowid (that does not exist yet). How do I handle this?
I know I can enter all parent accounts manually, then import all subaccounts via .csv. Is there a way to import “all” of the chart of accounts, at once, in one big .csv file?
ScreenShot 1
ScreenShot 2
I have the same problem. But it seems there is no solution unless you edit in the database
I find a solution to do that,
firstly, follow your method to import data
then duplicate the table llx_accounting_account as table_llx_accounting_account_1
Execute the following command:
UPDATE llx_accounting_account INNER JOIN llx_accounting_account_1 ON llx_accounting_account.account_parent = llx_accounting_account_1.account_number set llx_accounting_account.account_parent = llx_accounting_account_1.rowid
After that delete the table llx_accounting_account_1