Company ID invoice PDF


I’d like to have minor customization in invoice PDF, but I’m not so skilled in coding, so if someone could guide me, would be great.

In our country invoice should have company ID and if I’m right dolibarr does not have this field at third party description.
So lets say I’m using Proffesional ID1 to store Company ID.

My problem:
When I print PDF, in customer information box Proffesional ID1 is not shown, so I need it somehow to be there.

Second thing I would like to change is information from billers box (email, web and phone) move down to footer and VAT number with Proffesional ID1 from footer move to billers box.

Thank you in advance.

With dolibarr 3.0, you can setup dolibarr to show professional id on invoices.
For more change, you will have to wait 3.1 (template can be done using OpenOffice).

Oh, thanks. I found it. (Display setup)

I also have to add some company info in the footer.

I tried profesional ID 1-5 and it could work but the problem is…
In front of every info I have actually written “Professional ID 1:” and so for every info. At the end the footer is all scrambled.

I tried to erase the translation from companies.lang and leave it blank, but there is no change.

What should I do?

how do I remove Professional ID and VAT number from buyers box on the invoice?
(with leaving my professional ID in the footer!)


eldy wrote:

i’m use 3.1 rc3 but why can’t use ODT template?

What is error message ?
Disable invoice module and reenable it.

no menu Invoice documents models can be select for ODT template at module setup

Can you provide a sceenshot of invoice setup page ?
Or an url with a temporary password to access ?

above is the screen shot for invoice module, below is third party module

on invoice module can’t select template ODT, please to be advice

problem solve it’s missing file doc module :smiley:

ilinaric wrote:

Can this be done in pdf_crabe.modules.php?
Any help for my young programmer will be cool…

Best regards