Creating proposal


Dolibarr is great tool but I figure out if there is any better way how to more clearly search the products we have when making an proposal or invoice. Is any way where can I click on product (like in webshop or similar - some button) and add to proposal. It will be great if I could see more about product.

Thank you.


Maybe you can use some name on Ref. not only numbers .
And you can write some details in description of each product ( or service ) , then you will see more detail in proposal .

I kow but it will be great if I should see pictures like in web shop? Maybe some day this will be option.

Did anybody make web shop integrated with dolibarr?

Our Bulk Product Entry module facilitates the insertion of products when creating various documents (even proposals).

Find it on Dolistore

Thank you. I will check and consider about this.

Same question. Anybody uses dolibarr intergated with some web shop commerce solution? Thank you


A lot of dolibarr users are using prestashop

Do you have any exmaples how thos looks. And what to use to connect Dolibar and Prestashop? Not to expensive please: :slight_smile:

for the first question, there is the TakePOS module that show product pictures and allow to put in a cart.

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There is also two-way WooCommerce integration

I tried. Interesting solution. Thank for idea.

Have you tried. You use solution which is on Dolistore? Is it good?