Customizing Dolibarr for my needs

I have a small non-profit. We donate computers to underprivileged schools in the Philippines. All of the equipment is donated from business and corporation. The computers are rebuilt using Edubuntu, an educational version of Ubuntu, and then donated to schools in the Philippines.

I need a solution to manage all of this. I need something to manage the equipment donors, I need an inventory solution, I need a way to track the schools that are requesting donations and a way to track what has been donated. And finally, I need a way to track shipments.

I’ve looked at the Products and Stock modules. The product module just doesn’t really fit my needs. Is there a way to customize it? The details that I need to know are how much memory a system has, size of hard drive, serial number. Similar type of items. The products module has items like the size and dimensions, weight, etc…

Can a person modify the page to fit a person’s needs? I also need to tie the equipment to the donor as well as tie the equipment to the school that we donate to. How much can I customize Dolibarr? It doesn’t look like its that customizable.



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Dear Daryl,
I look with interest to your project, and really I strongly believe that Dolibarr is the very good for what you want to to !
It’s open source, modular, and of course you can customize it to your needs
for your need it’s very easy to add new extrafields on the product module, you just have to go on the set up options of the product module, and add any extrafield of any type for your needs, such as memory system, hard drive , or whatever
You can also manage donations with Dolibarr, and Dolibarr can be used as an association or entreprise !
if you need help to start, we are here to help you

Thank you for your reply.

I’ve looked in the setup, but where do I customize the product? Are you talking about additional attributes? I’ve tried adding in additional attributes, but I don’t see them in the product that I create.

Is there better documentation on customizing Dolibarr?



Yes, you go to the customization page of the module product

and then add a new attribute (or extrafield)

ensure that they are always visible when you insert an attribute, and logically you will see your new attribute when adding a new product