Disable Public link


i’m new to dolibarr and i’m trying it.
I would know if the file visibility via public link can be disabled in any mode, only for user without a valid dolibarr login.

Thanks in advance

Best regards


You need to be a bit more specific, what kind of link and where do you to hide ?


the public link for the proposals file and also for the invoices, I want to disable the public link for all users that don’t have a login to the dolibarr server.

Thanks in advance

Best regards

There is no built-in solution. But you can modify the code to redirect users to the login screen if they are not logged in. However, this will require all of your clients to have an external user created.


this is only for information purpose.
so there isn’t anything builted-in for locking out users without login, is it correct?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

There is, but not for the public links. This is why they are called public. :slight_smile: