Documentation for module developers on Wiki

All documentation to help developers to develop on Dolibarr (new modules, new scripts or modifying original sources) is available on Dolibarr wiki.


Thank you. Maybe we can create a better TOC.


Good Morning Eldy;

I’m impressed with ERP/CRM Dolibarr, I’m studying to develop new modules for a very large market niche in Brazil, as we know here in Brazil there is a great lack of software that covers an entire City Hall. Today there is a very large infinity of systems for each specific thing within the organization. for example: For accounting there is a system for this, for payroll there is another system, for projects there is another system, and so on. I found all these features together within Dolibarr (Projects, Sales, Invoices, Banks, Accounting, among others), but there are still many sectors within the City Hall where I need to develop new modules. Works, environmental inspections, among others). There is a very big niche for these modules, but I’m having difficulty finding tutorials so I can start developing these modules. If You can indicate any tutorial that can help me, I appreciate it a lot.

Carlos Botelho

Hello, I don’t know if it would be possible to fix the error on the dolibarr documentation page for developers (, for example for version 19.0, although it occurs for all of them.

The error occurs when trying to do a search, for example, for the GETPOST function.

The result is the menu and the blank page.

I don’t know if it would be very complicated to fix the search engine that worked in older versions.

The truth is that it would be very useful if this functionality worked.

All the best

Thank you so much