Does Dolibarr fit for a B2B platform?

Hello Dolibarrians ! I want to build a B2B platform that connects many (n) vendors with many (n) clients (Business customers). This is a particular industry in a particulal geography. And it would be runing on Cloud. I already listed all needed business functions for that platform to solve the identified B2B issues, to bring more value etc. I also tried to “theorically” map Dolibarr modules and functionalities with what is needed for that platform. My Question Dolibarrists is simple : do you think Dolibarr fit with B2B needs ? if so, why ? have you exprienced similar deployment?

what would people do on your platform?

Would you use a multi entity installation? or use external users?

I still not decided what better suite. I need to be sure. but in my study (never tested Dolibarr), it should be Multi-entity to get clear data speration.
Why ?
the B2B platform is parallelizing process from each side (Vendors / Customers)
Vendors : [Sales ] from Marketing to Prospection to Sales to Operations to Delivery to Improvement.
While Clients : [Procurement Process] From Needs Identification to Market Research to Supplier /Vendors Selection to Order Placement to Receiving & Inspection to Payment & Closure.

The perfect scenario would be that the B2B platform as SaaS, each vendor has an access to it (data seperation), and can do this …
Upload products & data sheets
Upload Price Lists
Insert promotion
Insert Ads
Receive inquiry
Issue Quote
Receive Order
Access to Dashboard
Manage prospects
Manage inquiries
Manage clients
Manage payment
Do analysis
Get Reports
Communicate with Prospects and Clients
Process delivery (assign Transportation, schedule delivery, etc.)
Create, issue and manage polls
Update inventory status

Customers has also access to it and can do the folowing:
Search information (Events, Training sessions, Articles, Documentation, Vendor’s information, Distributors, Transportation Products, Data Sheets, Reports)
Browse products
Benchmark products
Download documents & data sheets
Ask for a quote
Make an order
Purchase products
Plan and ask for delivery
Get Support and Assistance
Communicate with vendors
Get reports
Evaluate vendors
Subscribe to newsletters
Register to events
Register to training
Report incidence
Request consulting
Track order status

Hi, we are working on a project (temporary name DoliB2B) that should cover your needs.
In practice, individual companies, in addition to sharing a series of registry(articles, third parties,…), can exchange various documents (offers, orders, invoices, …).

at the moment the development of the DoliB2B project is at a low priority, but we can still talk about it and try to give it a boost.

After a quick read, the other functions you list are already included in the “basic” Dolibarr package