Dolibarr 12.0.4


Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in C:\dolibarr\www\dolibarr\htdocs\multicurrency\class\multicurrency.class.php on line 564

If anyone have experience the same because on 11 that I used before this is not there. Can somebody found any tweak.

Thank you.


You can try the upgrade to V12.0.5

If it not solve the issue, you can put $dolibarr_main_prod='1'; in conf/conf.php

Sir, This is happen when paying Suppliers Bills, If some small overpaid supposed USD1.00001 during entering the Purchases or Bills, Then during the payments time if paid by 1.00 or the same USD1.0001, the small fractions of the amount will come during the vat calculations.

Thank you.

If i knew I should not turn on the Multi-Currency features, Is this because of Multicurrency? As it says on the message?