Hello Guys, I was trying to run the Dolibarr 12 Alpha, It went through but something wrong when logging in.
Something Like this:
Thank you.
Hello Guys, I was trying to run the Dolibarr 12 Alpha, It went through but something wrong when logging in.
Something Like this:
Thank you.
So I figured it out. Thanks to the Programmers and to Dolibarrians, I will post of what is the difference.
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_accounting_system.key
Request 321 : ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_account ADD CONSTRAINT fk_accounting_account_fk_pcg_version FOREIGN KEY (fk_pcg_version) REFERENCES llx_accounting_system (pcg_version) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_accounting_account_fk_pcg_version’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_adherent.key
Request 342 : ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD CONSTRAINT adherent_fk_soc FOREIGN KEY (fk_soc) REFERENCES llx_societe (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘adherent_fk_soc’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_adherent.key
Request 343 : ALTER TABLE llx_adherent ADD CONSTRAINT fk_adherent_adherent_type FOREIGN KEY (fk_adherent_type) REFERENCES llx_adherent_type (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_adherent_adherent_type’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_asset.key
Request 352 : ALTER TABLE llx_asset ADD CONSTRAINT fk_asset_asset_type FOREIGN KEY (fk_asset_type) REFERENCES llx_asset_type (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_asset_asset_type’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_bank_account.key
Request 362 : ALTER TABLE llx_bank_account ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bank_account_accountancy_journal FOREIGN KEY (fk_accountancy_journal) REFERENCES llx_accounting_journal (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_bank_account_accountancy_journal’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_bom_bom.key
Request 375 : ALTER TABLE llx_bom_bom ADD CONSTRAINT llx_bom_bom_fk_user_creat FOREIGN KEY (fk_user_creat) REFERENCES llx_user(rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘llx_bom_bom_fk_user_creat’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_bom_bomline.key
Request 382 : ALTER TABLE llx_bom_bomline ADD CONSTRAINT llx_bom_bomline_fk_bom FOREIGN KEY (fk_bom) REFERENCES llx_bom_bom(rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘llx_bom_bomline_fk_bom’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_boxes.key
Request 387 : ALTER TABLE llx_boxes ADD CONSTRAINT fk_boxes_box_id FOREIGN KEY (box_id) REFERENCES llx_boxes_def (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_boxes_box_id’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_budget_lines.key
Request 391 : ALTER TABLE llx_budget_lines ADD CONSTRAINT fk_budget_lines_budget FOREIGN KEY (fk_budget) REFERENCES llx_budget (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_budget_lines_budget’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_c_departements.key
Request 406 : ALTER TABLE llx_c_departements ADD CONSTRAINT fk_departements_fk_region FOREIGN KEY (fk_region) REFERENCES llx_c_regions (code_region) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_departements_fk_region’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_c_regions.key
Request 425 : ALTER TABLE llx_c_regions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_c_regions_fk_pays FOREIGN KEY (fk_pays) REFERENCES llx_c_country (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_c_regions_fk_pays’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_c_ziptown.key
Request 443 : ALTER TABLE llx_c_ziptown ADD CONSTRAINT fk_c_ziptown_fk_county FOREIGN KEY (fk_county) REFERENCES llx_c_departements (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_c_ziptown_fk_county’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_c_ziptown.key
Request 444 : ALTER TABLE llx_c_ziptown ADD CONSTRAINT fk_c_ziptown_fk_pays FOREIGN KEY (fk_pays) REFERENCES llx_c_country(rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_c_ziptown_fk_pays’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_account.key
Request 452 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_account ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_account_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_account_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_account.key
Request 453 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_account ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_account_fk_account FOREIGN KEY (fk_account) REFERENCES llx_bank_account (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_account_fk_account’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_actioncomm.key
Request 457 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_actioncomm ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_actioncomm_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_actioncomm_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_actioncomm.key
Request 458 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_actioncomm ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_actioncomm_fk_actioncomm FOREIGN KEY (fk_actioncomm) REFERENCES llx_actioncomm (id) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_actioncomm_fk_actioncomm’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_contact.key
Request 462 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_contact_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_contact_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_contact.key
Request 463 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_contact_fk_socpeople FOREIGN KEY (fk_socpeople) REFERENCES llx_socpeople (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_contact_fk_socpeople’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_fournisseur.key
Request 467 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_fournisseur ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_fournisseur_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_fournisseur_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_fournisseur.key
Request 468 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_fournisseur ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_fournisseur_fk_soc FOREIGN KEY (fk_soc) REFERENCES llx_societe (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_fournisseur_fk_soc’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_lang.key
Request 470 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_lang ADD CONSTRAINT fk_category_lang_fk_category FOREIGN KEY (fk_category) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_category_lang_fk_category’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_member.key
Request 474 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_member ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_member_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_member_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_member.key
Request 475 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_member ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_member_member_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_member) REFERENCES llx_adherent (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_member_member_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_product.key
Request 479 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_product ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_product_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_product_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_product.key
Request 480 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_product ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_product_product_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_product) REFERENCES llx_product (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_product_product_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_project.key
Request 484 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_project ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categorie_project_categorie_rowid FOREIGN KEY (fk_categorie) REFERENCES llx_categorie (rowid) SQL Error DB_ERROR_1826 Duplicate foreign key constraint name ‘fk_categorie_project_categorie_rowid’
Create foreign keys and indexes for table llx_categorie_project.key
Request 485 : ALTER TABLE llx_categorie_project ADD CONSTRAINT