It’s just an idea, I’d like to make some logo design proposals for version 10, even if it’s possible to help in the development of a new theme.
Any proposal are welcome, but we can’t guarantee that it will be used. It depends on quality andif the board team (so several persons) decides to use it or not.
Challenge accepted!
last one is my favourite but that old one is also not outdated yet
What’s next step?
We agree with the idea to add a small logo before the text, like you do in the second.
Because, we must be able to reuse the logo and text in a lot of media / creation, and because we have to stay free, we have the following constraints:
The text “dolibarr” must stay in a popular font that is an open source font (this is currently not the case, but we will have to change this). So when importing the svg file of full logo (for example in inkscape), font is already correctly available.
And the logo must be available in a .svg format and it must be in a free license. Does your creation are available as a .svg file ?
Also, to be adopted, a logo must be provided by author with a document that cedes all its copyright to the Dolibarr foundation because the dolibarr foundation must be able to distribute it under the license of its choice. The dolibarr foundation needs to distribute it under CC-BY-ND (with the BY meanings all credit goes to the dolibarr foundation and the SA meaning the logo can be reused for commercial use by partners, but can’t be modified).
Hi eldy!, thanks for your answer.
i made some changes to logo to fit with your contraints:
- I changed the font to Questrial Font with a Open License -
- SVG is available and i will atached to this post
- I have no problem to provide a cedes document (108 KB)
I really like the third.
Have you try to place the logo and text on same line ?
Hi there guys, I’ve been playing with the colors. Seen it has quite some diveristy in several online sites.
I have put this together, and the codes is based on RGB for Screen Display, and for CMYK when printing and thought let’s do a branding guideline thingy.
Hey! Just wondering if there are any news about a potential logo change?
Design is important and I think that Dolibarr reflects the image of an elderly because of its outdated logo
Maybe a call for proposals could be made to the entire community and a public vote allow to select the top 3, then the board makes the final decision?