Dolibarr V20 has been released (Edit : V20.0.3 is availlable)!

Version 20 is a major release with a lot of new features for both users and developers. You can find it on our download mirror on sourceforge.

Dolibarr V20 is now fully compatible with PHP V8.2 !
For all the new features, please take a look on the ChangeLog

Happy upgrade !



is there a specific reason to use sourceforge to publish the zip archive to download, while the sourcecode and the changelog are on github ?


GitHub was not designed to be a download platform, and on Sourceforge you have the source code + the DEB package + The Doliwamp exe


It make sense.


can someone create the v20 release on github ? We are still on 19.0.3.

Without this information, package updates will not be detected.

See for example this update process that is based on github releases

Hello all,

The Dolibarr version 20.0.1 is now available !

You can download it from SourceForge .

The complete list of change is available on the ChangeLog .

How to upgrade : Here

Have a good day & upgrade !

1 Like

sorry for abusing this comment-section, but i canā€™t create a new post to this forum, only replying to existing posts.

what am i doing wrong? :smiley:

Hello @csiebert ,

You need to wait 5 minutes (rules put in place against spammers)

hey :slight_smile:

thx, but 5 minutes are over, i still cant create a post, the button is still missingā€¦

i am a little bit confused, in the german forum i can create own postsā€¦

Itā€™s 5 minutes cumulated of activity on the forum.

But it seems that you made it !

1 Like

2 posts were split to a new topic: Issue with the fiscal stamp

Hello all,

The Dolibarr version 20.0.2 is now available !

You can download it from SourceForge .

The complete list of change is available on the ChangeLog .

How to upgrade : Here

Have a good day & upgrade !

1 Like

Hello, very nice update. I have just upgrade from 12 to 20 version without problems (only one little thing).
Now I need to open a NEW Topic in the forum, but I canā€™t; How can I do it?

Dolibarr my best ERP open source program!

I think that new users will have to wait for a while before they can make a new post because it is one method used to combat spammers.

1 Like

Hello all,

The Dolibarr version 20.0.3 is now available !

You can download it from SourceForge .

The complete list of change is available on the ChangeLog .

How to upgrade : Here

I wish the change log format and content would be improved.

I wish for something like one column with something like fix, new, update, add, remove, ā€¦
Another column should be a link to the Pull Request, but hidden so you just see the number - something like:


The next column could be the module that the change is in - because if I donā€™t use that module, I donā€™t particular care about that change, where as changes in modules I do use are something I would pay more attention to.

The last column could be the text description.

Examples I can not decide if is important to me and my usage, because I can not easily find them.

FIX: wrong check
FIX: wrong trigger name (MODIFY instead UPDATE)

Is there a way to get the OVA file without going via VMware marketplace. I seem to be too stupid to download the file from there!