I would like to define a list of extra fields and have the ability to select which extra fields will appear for specific categories. This would allow me to assign different extra fields to different categories, while also allowing a mix of extra fields from multiple categories when necessary.
I want that a product to have 10 extrafields from a list , another product to have 15 extrafields , another one to have 5 extrafields.
I have used quite a few extrafields, but I don’t think that it is currently possible (I use dolibarr v20.0.2). I think you have to make all extrafields for every product, but I think you can hide the fields if they contain no data?
I was thinking to be something like this - select from a list and what i select to contain specific extrafields, when i select other option from the list to show different extrafields
I had a also a need for extrafields appearing only for one specific third party. I solved this problem with a condition in the visibility field
($object ->socid==xxx?1:0)