I added to products 4 extra fields and included them in to odt file with the variable {object_options_prd001} till 004 but none of them are working. For example the variable from the contracts are working perfectly but for products nothing. Dolibarr 20.0.3
Tried even with {line_product_options_xxx}
Thank you for any advice or direction on resolving this problem
If you want to display a product extrafiled, should be included on the
Also tried that to , also just simple with [!-- BEGIN lines --]
An example
[!-- BEGIN lines --]{line_product_options_prd001}{line_product_options_prd002}{line_product_options_prd003}{object_options_cont009}[!-- END lines–] - and the only thing that works is that object_options_cont009 (and yes i tried with and without that )
I stayed with the documentation in front of me when i made that -