Extrafield Templates Invoice

Hello and Happy New Year!

I’ve added extra fields to my invoice creation form but they don’t appear on the invoice templates I’ve created. So I can’t pre-fill them.
Is there a reason for this? Is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance

please provide a dolibarr version and a screenshot of your complementary attribute definitions

Hi @samixite
Happy New Year
You have to add them to your template too

Hi @sonikf

I did, however, the values entered on the templates are not included when an invoice is created… All fields are blank and must be filled again.

Thank you

Hi @jonbendtsen

Dolibarr version 20.0.3

Extrafield on invoice template ( same for invoice )

Thank you

hey. You posted a picture in non english, so I have difficulty to understand what is on your PDF.

But maybe one of your fields needs to be not 0, but 1, 2, 3 or 4.


To have extra filed on Bill PDF you need to use “sponge” PDF model, not the old “crabe”