# Frustrating issue with validating partial shipments - need help

Hey everyone,

I’ve been struggling over an issue with partial shipments in Dolibarr and finally found a workaround, but I’m wondering if there’s a better solution.

I’m running Dolibarr version 20 and here’s what happened:

I had a sales order for 200 units of a product. I shipped the first batch of 101 units without any problems - created the shipment, validated it, all good.

Then when I tried to ship the remaining 99 units, I kept getting errors when trying to validate the shipment. The system would just roll back the transaction without any clear error message on screen.

After digging through logs, I noticed it was trying to automatically close the entire sales order when validating my second shipment.

I finally managed to fix it by turning off the setting “When a shipment is validated, classify linked source sales orders as shipped” in the workflow settings. After that, my second shipment validated without issues. Surprisingly, no issues with the first partial shipment, only with the second one while wanted to clear all deliveries and close the order.

But this feels like a hack, not a proper solution! The system should be smart enough to only mark an order as fully shipped when ALL items have actually been shipped, right? Now I’ve had to disable a useful automation feature just to handle partial shipments, which is in-fact a complete delivery as second partial lot.

Has anyone else run into this? Is there a better way to handle partial shipments without disabling the automatic order status updates?

In my logs I could see it trying to do this during validation:

sql=UPDATE llxtj_commande SET fk_statut = 3 WHERE rowid = 610 AND fk_statut <> 3

Thanks for any advice! Been using Dolibarr for about 5 years now and this is the first real workflow issue I’ve encountered.

Hi @anasmemon

you say you are getting errors, please post them as they will indicate clearly why dolibarr is blocking you
