Functions not working after upgrade (Since upgrade to 12.0). Now on 13.0.2

I have been using this great Software since months now. However, I had some issues when I upgraded from 11 to 12.0. I have an installation on webserver with Softaculous. Now I am running the latest update of 13.2

My issues are many since the upgrade to 12.0 and until 13.2

  1. I have activated certain modules like salaries, Bill of materials, Manufacturing orders etc. However, I can not see this module in the menu.
  2. In the right panel of commerce section, I can not find vendor quotes anymore.
  3. While expanding the list of (Proposals, Sales orders, Purchase orders etc.) the list is not sorting out by clicking on draft, open, signed, not signed, billed etc. Yes, but it works under the drop down selection under status.
    4.Same for billing and payment tab.
  4. Under billing and payment tabs, I can not find billable orders, salaries and loans.

I tried to reinstall with fresh installation, but after restoring the old data back up, it comes to the same situation.


Ohhhhhh… I was crazy behind this to find the solution… what not I have done. From trying to check conf.php to various other php files…
But finally got the solution… just changed the menu style from auguria menu to eldy menu.