Generate list of current stocks / values

The accountant needs a complete list of what’s currently in storage (in the warehouses) and also their buying / selling values. I can get this list by going to Warehouse → Stocks at date, but that list cannot be saved as a PDF.

How do we save this list?

@gurksallad what if you just print it using the browsers print function?

I can also use a pen and write it down on paper, but that would defeat the purpose of having a CRM/ERP that keeps track of everything for us.

how about trying out the “Export” function?

You can export the inventory in the first step and the prices of the products in the second step as an Excel file.
The required document can certainly be created from this Excel files.

Alternatively, if you have direct access to the database, you can also use a suitably formulated direct database query.

Maybe this module can be useful to you.