Gov approval of Dolibarr/Accounting

I am about to use Dolibarr with the accounting module here in Denmark and do not know if it is approval here. I would like it to be so, I need some info.
Is the Dolibarr/Accounting approved in France ?

Here is the main tree rules for bookeeping in Denmark ,
I think Doli is fits the bill, all thought not the digital e-invoice in/out (yet).

The Bookkeeping Act sets a number of requirements for digital standard bookkeeping systems, they are listed in the tabs as so-called main requirements:
§ 15, no. 1 Support a continuous registration of the company’s transactions with the indication of appendices for each registration and safe storage of registrations and appendices for five years.
§ 15, no. 2 Meet recognised standards for IT security, including for user and access management, and ensure automatic backup of records and appendixes.
§ 15, no. 3 Support the automatisation of administrative processes, including the automatic sending and receiving of e-invoices and the possibility of entering in accordance with a public standard chart of accounts in registered accounting systems.

I have thought about the same, but since we are a non profit forening I don’t think the same rules applies to us.

§ 15, no. 1
I think this requirement is fulfilled.

  • Transactions are recorded, at least those I have looked it, but I also don’t yet import bank statements into Dolibarr, I only use it for membership registration, for dance class and event registration, for expense reports, for vendor orders - both incl approvement.
  • If you enable “Unalterable Archives” then it is clearly so.
  • “safe storage” a database administrator can most likely change, delete, edit and/or modify the data in the database - but a regular user can not

§ 15, no. 2

  • User and access management yes, that is covered, different users have different permissions.
  • You can make a dump of the database and copy all the files uploaded to Dolibarr, but Dolibarr itself does not have an option to backup this.

§ 15, no. 3

GDPR issues

  • you might have some issues deleting personal data older than 5 years - but I don’t know, I am not there yet

I have a OIOUBL module cooking and right now it can do invoice/credit out and I think it would be possible.
And there is a bank import module from ATM working so almost there.
But I wonder if there is any on writing about a France or other approval ?