We are running a Dolibarr instance with approx. 50 custom attributes on the third party. However not all attributes are always being used and depend on the type of client they are.
Given that 50 attributes take up a lot of space, we were wondering if there’s a way to group these attributes in tabs and subtabs and if there’s still a way to make them indexable in the search field.
Thank you for your help!
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Hey what version are you using?
I dont have 50… but 10 on the product edit page (on a laptop) is annoying for the eyes so I know how you feel.
Depending on the version, very recently (I’ve tested in v14) there is a way to expand, or dismiss extrafields which are not relevant to the item (tested products, should be same for third parties).
Hi, thank you for your reply.
We are currently testing under v14 so we would be using the last stable version. I have found that you can choose when to view the items (list, create, view, edit…) but not a way to group or expand them. Is that defined under the product module configuration for your case?
I have found there might exist a plugin for it. Does anyone have any experience with it?
This is for my products page in view mode. its the same for edit mode. all these lines/fields are dolibarr product extrafields.
As extrafields are part of the core, in the third parties module, the same should apply.
This is the same setting from third parties module in v14.0.2
I found it by accident but it is mentioned in one of the recent changelogs I think.
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That module looks good but without english screenshots, its hard to understand the real use case… a common problem with the available external modules.
Hi, this is great! We’ll try to see if this can help in grouping the 50 attributes.
Thank you very much!
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