How to add complimentary attribute to Invoice pdf

- Version: [5.06]
- Operating System: [Cent OS 7]
- Web Server: [Apache]
- PHP: [7.0.32]
- Database: [MySQL 10.2]
- URL(s): [/main/compta/facture.php?]
I am running Dolibarr 5.0.6 for a client of mine.
I have customized the invoice to look like the below:

As you can see from the image there is a Discount amount field (inc. VAT) (highlighted in red) which is a complimentary attribute (extrafield)
I would like that field to be in the Invoice pdf as illustrated below:

I would appreciate anyone’s help. What do I need to do in the code of the pdf crabe template to achieve this?
In case of any clarification please contact me
This is quite urgent as my client is not happy with me :unhappy: :unhappy:


Hi Ksar,
Thanks for the reply. I had already opened the link you provided. I have very little knowledge on php so I am not able to achieve the above. I have attached my pdf_crabe.modules.php file if you can kindly direct me on what I need change to achieve the above.

Pièces jointes :

Hi All,
Kind request to anyone who knows to assist me in the above problem. It’s very urgent as my client is unhappy that Dolibarr does not have basic things like Discount amount
:unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy:

Hi All,
I am still unable to solve this problem. Kind request for anybody to assist me. I’m in a bad fix :confused: :confused: :confused: :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy:

ANYBODY ON THIS!!! KINDLY ASSIST :unhappy: :unhappy: :unhappy:

Sorry but no.
You are selling a service that your are able to provide.
I will not help for free something that you will sell.

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