How to insert WaterMark on Customer invoice

Hi Guys,

I am abit new with Dolibar, i have got a client who is interested in using dolibarr for his business. currently i have a challenge on setting up/ inserting watermark on the Customer invoice, can anyone assist me on this.

I extend my thanks in advance.

Regards . .


go to Setup -> Modules -> Invoices

and add Watermark on draft invoices in to Other options


hi nikos,
in setup-modules-invoices i found the field watermark on draft invoices but there is not a switch to make On or OFF, no, it’s a input-field for text. what is there to do ? i have written some text in but nothing changes.

w :slight_smile:

Hi wolfgang,

this works only draft invoices and not validate invoices.

Draft invoices = (PROV)

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Thanks Ndrosis,

I have the Value Set on Setup - Modules - Invoices (Other Setup “Company Name” is on the Text Box) but when i create an invoice the Watermark doesn’t come up. at the same time the Sample invoice on “>ROOT/documents/facture” shows the watermark…

Am i Missing anything Else?

Regards. .

Pièces jointes :

ok, but why ?
i think watermark is not necessary at draft but at validate, or thnk i wrong ?

The draft mode you can use as a Proforma invoice.
The validated it is officially documents and do not need watermark

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ok thanks
i thought it is exact the oposite, so i need no watermark :slight_smile:
but thanks a lot

See and the option MAIN_USE_BACKGROUND_ON_PDF. Read more for this option on the following link


thank you very much… let me explore more on this Flow.
