How to reset the password in dolibar admin account

Good day,

I would like to know, how to reset the password for admin account.

and this admin account i am not apply any email id, so that i could not “Regenerate and Send password” option not working.

please advise any other way to reset password. (Through database)


Hi, edit table llx_user and add this code that you see below


and try to sign in with password admin

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in colum pass_crypted

Having the same problem with Dolibarr 8.0.5 - it does not work with this version. I guess encryption method has changed.

What to use instead on this version?

Regards, Lars.

I found out myself… using the cleartext field and emptying the encrypted one.


However the plain text password will leave your system vunerable

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hi forgot my admin password grateful if you can help me .

Go to phpmyadmin > select your database then search for llx_user table
There you will see pass_crypted and pass.
empty pass_crypted and enter a new password in pass. Now you can login with the new password.

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hi thanks for your reply.
how to open and save the ibd file

ibd file? what file are you referring to?

ll_user.ibd is that what i should edit.

You first have to go to phpmyadmin to access the database it’s not a file, you have to change the mentioned settings from the database. How is your setup? Locally hosted or a webhost?