I cannot add products with barcode in dolibar supplier invoice


I cannot add items to supplier invoices by searching for the barcode number of products that have registered barcodes while saving the invoice.

is there any way to do this?

Hello :slight_smile:

in Module/Applications setup, just verify that barcodes module is enabled

Good continuation

The barcode module is active, I can search and add products by barcode in sales invoices, but I cannot add products by barcode in the purchase invoice

Hello :slight_smile:

the barcode value is not displayed in the select list
because it is the barcode value stored in the buying price structure which is loaded and displayed if not null…

so you can enter the barcode value and filter works without displaying any barcode value
if you did not enter any barcode values in your buying price values, the list will not appear with barcode value, but it works due to this part of code :slight_smile:

Good continuation