Is there an option to export supplier ref field instead of (or as well as) Line description?

As said in subject line.

Currently only the description is being exported. At least that’s what I see.

Using version 15.0.1

In fact I would like to export llx_facture_fourn_det->ref & description

Is there a way for a user (non developer) to do a select command to extract values and export them? Something like what exists in SAP BO?

What I am looking to do is something like exporting:

select rang, ref, description, multicurrency_subprice, qty , multicurrency_total_ht from llx_facture_fourn_det where fk_facture_fourn = NNN

where NNN is given by

select rowid from llx_facture_fourn where ref = "Whatever reference the system gave you"

Tools >>> Export >>> Vendor invoices and invoice details

In the next step you can filter the output by any of the chosen fields (i.e. by supplier id, by date, etc.)

Hello @milenmk
I have tried that just to see where the data sits (the :information_source: buttons give you the field names) but the product reference from the supplier lines comes up empty.

Have you tried your suggestion to the end until the export is done? (I am using 15.0.1 btw)

Thanks for helping me out with this!