Hello team, i have an issue in Dolibarr version 10.0.0, when i try to see a preview of a invoice, in the table product only appear the product description, but no the unit price quantity or total price.
I dont know php and i dont touch anything of the code.

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.!

FA1907-0016.pdf (47 KB)

Hello Lucas,
I’m thinking some options in other setup have been disabled/enabled. Go to: Home->Setup->Other Setup and take a screenshot and also attach a copy of the the pdf_crabe_modules.php (in zip format or copy code to text file) which is located under core/modules/facture/doc
I think there has been code change to the pdf_crabe (crabe doc template)
Also what is your Dolibarr version?

Hi Ariffidaali, thanks for the answer, i send you all the data you need. i have an ODT file like an option but to print it i must download the file all the time, this no have preview in PDF.
Thanks a lot. (14.8 KB)

Or maybe you know how to convert automatically the ODT invoice file into a PDF file with preview yo print it.
Thanks again!

Hi Dear ariffidaali! I have exactly the same problem as my colleague have. Can you help me? Anton