Issues PHP or not? Not change permission conf.php file

Guys Hello!
I try change the permission but not, work.

I think the problem is the path.

Ubuntu 22.04
php 7.4

The path is in your address bar!
to locate exact path in terminal

find / -type d -name “htdocs”

then cd full path for example

cd /var/www/dolibarr/htdocs/conf/

and finally

chmod 400 conf.php

Hello Dear.

I need more help.
but so thakyoufull to you.

First try the easy way

If that fails then in terminal

sudo su

find / -type d -name "htdocs"

wait until it finishes and if it returns for example a path like /var/www/dolibarr/htdocs(could be anything) then append /conf/ at the end so its /var/www/dolibarr/htdocs/conf/

cd /var/www/dolibarr/htdocs/conf/

and finally

chmod 400 conf.php

hummm, I know now why, but not work.

this screenshot is helpful, the path is returned in your terminal and it is

now run in terminal

sudo su

cd /var/www/html/dolibarr/htdocs/conf/

chmod 644 conf.php

but do not close terminal

follow steps in picture in my previous post to activate password encryption for your safety!

then again in terminal

chmod 400 conf.php

Thank you. God blessed you.