Lead status / Grouping lead status rows to get

Hi All, Good day! we are using Dolibarr 17.0.1. this is implemented for the purpose of CRM - Sales leads mangement. we have included our customized lead status ( RFQ received, Sol
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utions defined, pre quote clarr, quote submitted, post quote clarr, negotiation, order received). This is made as list with selection filter.
my submitted offers to client will spread across three catogories (Quoted submitted / post quote clarr/ negotiation) , so whenever, i need to check the status of the proposed offers, i need to go these three categories and check individully. insted if can group them, i would be able to check them all open quotes in one selection.

option “open quotes / open leads” are visible in the same lead status coloumn but this is not working properly ( refer attached image). can i reconfigure this?

hope i coveyed my queries clearly, looking forward your support.

Hi @Ismail.sh88,

Not sure if I understand what you are trying to achieve, but this might help:

  1. If you are looking to follow up on open quotes/proposals status, why not do that under the proposal’s module instead of leads/third company module? This is assuming I understood your post right.
  2. If you have other uses for the custom list you are describing, I believe we would need more details regarding the issue:
    “option “open quotes / open leads” are visible in the same lead status coloumn but this is not working properly ( refer attached image). can i reconfigure this?”
    Can you expand on this? what part of the process is not working? (i.e. not giving complete filter results, giving wrong filter results, not showing the options you configured, etc.)