Link to an object feature


i am trying to add complimentary attribute “link to an object” in Agenda module.
In agenda list view i want to add name of related contact and trying to do the same using complimentary attributes using value “Contact:contact/class/contact.class.php” but not able to do so.
can anybody help.

I would like some help with this as well. Is there a good resource for linking Complimentary attributes?


this is how I do something simular, though I link to a thirdparty, not contact.

Thanks @jonbendtsen. That looks fairly straighforward, but I’m afraid I just don’t have the background in php to understand it (yet, willing to learn).
Is there a Wiki or some other resource where I can learn how this works?

For instance, “Societe:societe/class/societe.class.php”, what is the context for it’s use?

If I wanted to link to say, the Zip Code of a third party, how would I go about doing that through this feature?

Thanks a bundle!

I have tried many ways to do this without any luck.
I’m currently using v19.02

Can anyone please confirm that this is or is not working in v19.02?

I think you have to use the contact class if you want a contact.

I think it is possible, but it is not something I have experience with.

Hi guys, it is not class, it is a sql-query like this one (I used it in member-module COMPLEMENRARY ATTRIBUTES, that field connects a Member to another one as "Partner same household):

table:field1|field2|field3:primarykey (unique)

I struggle also longer time to find a solution.
Greetings from Portugal,