ListGpt: Query in dolibarr with OpenAI


I just uploaded my new module ListGPT on my demo environment

This module uses the openAI API (you need a key for that) and allows you to ask questions in natural language to display a list of data.
For example, you can ask:

  • the number of invoices/orders/quotes per customer/country
  • the total excluding tax of invoices per month (and country)
  • list of names, the number of invoices and the sum of the total excluding VAT of customers who have more than 10 invoices in the last 3 years (well the query works for me but there is not enough data on my demo environment)

For the moment the research is quite succinct, I still have a lot of training and contextualization work to do.

The icing on the cake, if you use myList, it will automatically create a list that can then be used in your menus


Hello the module is now on the dolistore here :

documentation is here : ListGPT — Documentations Patas-monkey

It is for the moment at a low price, 25€ HT, because even if its use is WOW , there is still a lot to do in terms of training.