Module : Dolitools improve your Dolibarr user experience

Good morning all,

I’m opening a new thread to support the altairis Dolitools module which offers many tools to improve your Dolibarr experience.

Dolitools is an aggregation of “small” altairis modules (showprice, updatelines, customref, etc.) which have been grouped together to offer you a functionally consistent package that is easier to upgrade.

Dolitools is currently compatible with versions 10 and 11 of Dolibarr and is enriched every day with new functionalities funded by its users.

This module is available on Dolistore and on our shop where you will find more details on its many additional options.

We have also posted some videos (in french) on our Youtube channel to present to you in detail all that the module brings you in terms of ergonomics and additional functions.

Please do not hesitate to send us any questions you may have about using Dolitools here.

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Samples of the latest developments in Dolitools:

NEW: displays the stock available for sale of products on the offers / orders / sales lines

NEW: allows you to view and change the order of lines in commercial documents

Hello, Dolitools 2020.11 is out with lot of new functionnalities since my last post :slight_smile:

NEW : Excel export for all Dolibarr lists

NEW : full compatibility with subtotal module

NEW : display third private note on card and commercial documents

NEW : fix card headers so they remain visible when scrolling down

NEW : fix lists column headers so they remain visible when scrolling down

NEW : set a global discount for all lines of your offer / order / invoice

You can get it on Dolistore :

Hello everybody,
I am glad to announce the release of version 2021.04 of Dolitools which incorporates an important novelty, in particular for those who make large offers (proposals) and orders: the possibility of entering in “full edit” mode to be able to modify all the informations and all the lines at once without having to reload the page all the time …
I’ll give you some screenshots to introduce the beast:

the config: last line of the Templates tab

an edit button is added to the offers / orders:

we enter full edit mode:

Please note that the “save” and “cancel” buttons appear when the user has modified an info on one of the top fields or on a line.

You can of course add a new line and delete it without reloading the page, and even restore a line deleted by mistake!

Hope you will like it :wink:


I have a problem with Dolitools when I try to change multiple prices, sometimes it works with fast message that is done, but in most cases saying saving current changes and stays that way. (few times when I refresh page values add added/changed, but mostly are not added/changed).

I have just tried version 2021.05 and it is the same. After 8-10 minutes (as I was typing this message) it had made changes to database . Change was for 2 prices for products that are not predefined products.

Dolibar version 12.0.4. , Maria 5.5.5-10.4.10-MariaDB

Thank you for this notification; i will do more tests with “free products” to check if the problem comes from here or not.
Best regards
Christophe (on holidays until next thursday, so please wait a little)

Hello @NT71646
I’ve just tried the Edit function on a big quote with both free and predefined products and services, and saving is almost immediate on my local machine.
Could you send me an email at contact @ with a link to check your problem ?

I’ve just made a fix for a similar problem (maybe the same).
It was happening when the customer had something in “Max. for outstanding bill”.
In v10, this infomation was loaded by a get_OutstandingBill function in societe.class.php but this function had disappeared since v11.
Can you please download latest release and confirm it is now ok for you ?


Thank You for quick reply and solving my problem, my response is delayed because of 10 days testing period.

Best regards!!

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Hello everybody,
I’m glad to announce the 2022.04 release of the dolitools module with lot of improvements since my last announce:
2021.04.15 : add option to display only available products in draft line input

2021.05 : fix compatibility with GPAO - add constant DOLITOOLS_CHECK_QTY_IN_STOCK to check if product in stock or on purchase when adding to a document line - fix compatibility with v12 (function get_OutstandingBill was removed from societe.class.php without mention in Dolibarr changelog) - fix for translated labels

2021.06 : fix special code update for invoice and order when cloning lines with subtotal or titles

2021.06.4 : fix compatibility with atm tarif module

2021.06.7 : fix draftedit new line first cell when not using deletelines - fix custom ref suffix management

2021.07 : fix stock available calcul - several minor fixes

2021.08 : another fix for avalable stock, fix customref for draft invoices (v14 and more), hide stock infos even for sales lines, fix ttc header, fix fournprice, fix problem with quotes

2021.09 : fix for draftedit, NEW : add global discount to supplier orders

2021.10 : add hidden constant DOLITOOLS_USERS_SEE_ALL, customer private note on propal/order/invoice creation

2021.12 : full v14 compatibility, takepos compatibility with sticky headers, fix performance problems with available stock, fix price display

2022.01 : fix price on purchase order, takepos compatibility

2022.03 : fix price display for v14, manage customer price by quantity (PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY), fix line rank if first line, fixes for occasions module and relatedproducts module, fix retrieve of supplier price, fix ConfirClone message for v13 and more, fix for NOPROV (customref part), retrieve discount if prices module enabled, fix update of discount from global discount option,compatibility with extrafieldupdate context (v14), keep jquery events on new lines (draftedit), format discount number, better extrafields display, keep fournprice for draftedit, fix same company on clone, fix wywiwyg editor compatibility

2022.04 : fix price retrieve (v15); fix price update if multicurrency enabled but same currency (draftedit)

Hello, new release for Dolitools today (available on Dolistore) :
2022.05 : fix supplier price for v14 and more; add german translation; dolidroid compatibility

Hello everybody,
A new release of Dolitools is available on the store : Dolitools
It is fully compatible with dolibarr v16.

Changelog since my lasr post :
2022.06 : fix for multi level prices and product select instead of autocomplete input
2022.08 : lot of small fixes, discountprice module compatibility
2022.09 : fix multiprice for old version
2022.10 : v15 compatibility, add update price button on order supplier document
2023.01 : v16 compatibility, add supplier name on supplier price select box, add update price button on suppliers proposals and invoices, several minor fixes

Hello everyone !

A new version 2023.04 of the Dolitools module has been released, with many improvements.
You can find it on the Dolitools page or on the Dolistore.

If you bought it less than a year ago, the update is free!

You can connect (where you bought it, either on the Dolistore or on our site) and download the update for free to take advantage of the new features and corrections.

New in the release:


Improved document cloning (propal, order, invoice)
Improved compatibility with V16
Compatibility with V17 and php8
Modernization of the trigger system (actions triggered on certain events): recovery and improvement.
Improved management of available stock (technical).

Previous versions:

Fixed support for standard VAT and Discount column edit buttons

Improved compatibility with Dolibarr v16.


Compatibility with Dolibarr v16.
Addition of the name of the supplier on the price selection box.
Addition of an “update price” button on draft commercial proposals and supplier invoices (already existed in supplier orders and customer side).

We thank you for your confidence and hope that Dolitools will continue to simplify your life in Dolibarr,

The Altairis team.