Hello everybody,
I’m glad to announce the 2022.04 release of the dolitools module with lot of improvements since my last announce:
2021.04.15 : add option to display only available products in draft line input
2021.05 : fix compatibility with GPAO - add constant DOLITOOLS_CHECK_QTY_IN_STOCK to check if product in stock or on purchase when adding to a document line - fix compatibility with v12 (function get_OutstandingBill was removed from societe.class.php without mention in Dolibarr changelog) - fix for translated labels
2021.06 : fix special code update for invoice and order when cloning lines with subtotal or titles
2021.06.4 : fix compatibility with atm tarif module
2021.06.7 : fix draftedit new line first cell when not using deletelines - fix custom ref suffix management
2021.07 : fix stock available calcul - several minor fixes
2021.08 : another fix for avalable stock, fix customref for draft invoices (v14 and more), hide stock infos even for sales lines, fix ttc header, fix fournprice, fix problem with quotes
2021.09 : fix for draftedit, NEW : add global discount to supplier orders
2021.10 : add hidden constant DOLITOOLS_USERS_SEE_ALL, customer private note on propal/order/invoice creation
2021.12 : full v14 compatibility, takepos compatibility with sticky headers, fix performance problems with available stock, fix price display
2022.01 : fix price on purchase order, takepos compatibility
2022.03 : fix price display for v14, manage customer price by quantity (PRODUIT_CUSTOMER_PRICES_BY_QTY), fix line rank if first line, fixes for occasions module and relatedproducts module, fix retrieve of supplier price, fix ConfirClone message for v13 and more, fix for NOPROV (customref part), retrieve discount if prices module enabled, fix update of discount from global discount option,compatibility with extrafieldupdate context (v14), keep jquery events on new lines (draftedit), format discount number, better extrafields display, keep fournprice for draftedit, fix same company on clone, fix wywiwyg editor compatibility
2022.04 : fix price retrieve (v15); fix price update if multicurrency enabled but same currency (draftedit)