Hey there, following Error: (Dolibarr V 12.0.5 on Synology DS718+ (DSM 6.2.3))
I am in module expensereport in the list. When I choose several reports by clicking the check box on the right and then choose “PDF Merge” on the top, I get a new pdf document appearing at the bottom. OK so far.
But if I no try to choose the new pdf I get (as admin or as user) an error - access denied, no privileges (not exact wording)
All privileges for the user are activated for module expensereport.
By locking into the server system as superuser I can see and open the document (path: …/web/dolibarr/documents/expensereport/temp/massgeneration/1)
The file priviledges are (owner http, group http, 664) as usual.
I can open the pdf directly inside one expensreport but not the merged pdf.
Any help appreciated
A second question is: Why does the merge function only merges the main document and not the attached bills?
Thanks and Regards