Multiple Barcode for 1 Item(Assorted)

hi, how can i add multiple barcodes for 1 item, it will be as assorted type.

for ex. Air Jordan Shoes
-white color(1st barcode)
-black color(2nd barcode)
-brown color(3rd barcode)


Hi, how do you plan to manage your stock for your assorted types?

hi fappels,

thank you for the reply. I don’t want to create 1 item or reference in the system.

Pros: because if i will do that I will be having a lot and bunch of 1 item with different colors. I am trying to avoid this thing.
Cons: i guess i will be having a difficulty to track the sales of each color.

But if you have any suggestions that will make my management of my stocks smoothly, i would really appreciate.


You can enable the lot/serial feature, create batches of products with a certain color and use your color barcode as batch code.

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I found the batch/serial system confusing for my business as I couldn’t create a customer order and record a single serial for it but from the supplier I had to enter the serial numbers in the system. For electrical products this made it very time consuming and also hard. Plus I couldn’t find a way to disable it per-product so my non-electrical products would work without a serial.

Back to the question, I add the second barcode in my NOTES as the pic shows an example. I have a product barcode and then a different one for the carton. I add the carton barcode into the notes field (in product) so when i search the product (when the goods arrive) I can scan the barcode instead of taking the product out of the carton. This saves me a lot of time. Also, providing each barcode is on a new line in the notes field (WYSIWYG text editor is on in the modules) then I can can ‘pack barcode’ ‘set barcode’ and it is all searchable.

Hope it helps.

Pièces jointes :

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Hi Aljawaid,

thanks for the feedback. Sorry, please can you show again the picture because it’s showing the attachment.

Hi Aljawaid,

Please can you show again the picture because I cannot see the attachment.

I tried your suggesting but it seems that i cannot get it right.

Is this applicable for example if i am using external POS module?


Hi Fappels,

Please can you tell me the steps on how to do the lot/serial? thanks…


Picture attached again. I have no idea on external POS modules yet.

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Sorry for the delay.

So after enabling the lot/serial module, you can enable lot/serial on your product (you also can have non lot serial products). I advice to first clone your product, do some tests, if fine you can delete the testproduct and use your real product.

After enabling lot/serial on your product, you will see a ‘undefined’ or ‘000000’ lot (depending on your dolibarr version.
Now you split your stock into your colors and delete the 000000 lot using the ‘correct stock’ button in the stock tab.

Are you using shipment and supplier orders? if yes, you can create or add stock to existing color stock using the supplier order dispatch function.
When shipping you customer orders, the color will be visible on your shipment docs.

Remark, lot/serial is only for stock, not for pricing.

I don’t know if there is POS available with native lot/serial compatibility, build in POS is not compatible.

I have a module (see my website) but it is not a POS, it’s for warehouse management and is lot/serial compatible.


Hi Fappels,

WOW, thanks for the detailed explanation. I really appreciated :happy:

I will do this…thanks again.

Hi Fappels,

By mistake I added a a wrong component product, please can you show me how to remove this?



For removing, you go to the stocks tab panel, click the correct stock button.
Now select warehouse, delete and complete stock qty, copy paste your component name.
You can enter something like ‘remove wrong component’ into the label of movement field, so you trace your correction in the stock movement list.
Now you can create your new component product with the correct name.

Hope this is the answer you expected.

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Slightly different usage to that mentioned above but I’ve added this as a feature request as I think other business users may find this helpful.

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