New User Activity Tracker Module – Call for Beta Testers

Hello Dolibarr Enthusiasts! :wave:

I am excited to introduce my User Activity Tracker module and am currently looking for beta testers to help me refine and perfect it. This powerful module provides comprehensive insights into all user activities across Dolibarr.

Module Highlights

:white_check_mark: Complete User Activity Tracking
Monitor logins, logouts, file modifications, email templates, sent emails, and more.

:white_check_mark: Detailed Analytics Dashboard

  • Activity by Type: See the most common actions.
  • Activity by User: Identify who is most active.
  • Activity Timeline: Track trends over time.

:white_check_mark: Data Export Options
Export your activity logs in CSV or XLS format for easy reporting and analysis.

:white_check_mark: Advanced Analytics Features
Pattern detection, anomaly alerts, and data retention management for identifying trends and potential security risks.

:white_check_mark: Integration Ready
API support and webhook integration for real-time notifications. Includes a built-in β€œTest Webhook” feature to verify connectivity.

:white_check_mark: Enhanced Security and KPI Tracking
Ideal for monitoring KPIs and improving system security. This module helps administrators and managers track all key activities and system events efficiently.

:white_check_mark: Customised Access
Available only for administrators, managers, or specific user groups, ensuring the right people have access to the right data.

Interested? Try it out! :rocket:

Simply reply to this post for more details or click the link below to access the demo.
Feel free to suggest new features or report any bugs as the module is in its early development stage.

Demo URL: UserActivityTracker
Login: dolibarr
Password: dolibarrDemo123

Let’s build the future of Dolibarr together!

I have also uploaded the Advanced Location Tracker module to manage stock in warehouse compartments. It tracks compartment occupancy, available storage spaces, stock movements, and total inventory quantities. The system displays detailed information about individual compartments, including their status (e.g., available), storage quantities, stock values, and last modified dates. It also offers features for managing compartments, batch updates, stock transfers, generating PDF pick notes, managing PDF templates and generating reports. It’s basically a comprehensive tool for overseeing warehouse operations and inventory control. So feel free to test it out and let me know what you think. Thanks