I have an extra field for lines in the Commander Module. If I make it a computed field and user $object->xxx, I get the properties from the Commande itself, not from the line.
How is is possible to get the properties like rowid from the line?
should be $object->lines[$i]->rowid
Thank you. But what can I use for $i when I use the code in computed value in an extra field?
If I write 1 or 2 I her the value…
You really need to explain what you want to achieve, because it’s not clear to me.
The $i is between 0 to count($object->lines)
Hi and thank you.
I add an extrafield in the Module Commande and there I add it for Lines:
Now I want to have the Line ID in this field.
My EndGoal will be to have a function that read out the value for all shipped items for that line. But the function need the LineID as parameter.
Hope now it is possible to understand?
I did some tests to achieve what you are looking for, but in fact it seems impossible without making some changes in /core/class/commonobject.class.php - in version 16.0.3
by adding these two lines you can use this formula to find the id of the line in your cmputed field
Using a hook on printObjectLine, this could be another solution for doing this
Good continuation
Tank you very much for this.