Path problem ? Issue to modify new module with module builder

Hello Dolibarr community,

I currently create a new module with module builder (testmar4), everything goes well. But now I have trouble to modify it.
When I create a new objet (animal) it doesn’t appear on the left menu even if :

  1. the menu part of description file is updated as well as the menu interface :
	// Main menu entries to add
		$this->menu = array();
		$r = 0;
		// Add here entries to declare new menus
		$this->menu[$r++] = array(
			'fk_menu'=>'', // '' if this is a top menu. For left menu, use 'fk_mainmenu=xxx' or 'fk_mainmenu=xxx,fk_leftmenu=yyy' where xxx is mainmenucode and yyy is a leftmenucode
			'type'=>'top', // This is a Top menu entry
			'prefix' => img_picto('', $this->picto, 'class="paddingright pictofixedwidth valignmiddle"'),
			'langs'=>'testmar4@testmar4', // Lang file to use (without .lang) by module. File must be in langs/code_CODE/ directory.
			'position'=>1000 + $r,
			'enabled'=>'isModEnabled("testmar4")', // Define condition to show or hide menu entry. Use 'isModEnabled("testmar4")' if entry must be visible if module is enabled.
			'perms'=>'1', // Use 'perms'=>'$user->hasRight("testmar4", "animal", "read")' if you want your menu with a permission rules
			'user'=>2, // 0=Menu for internal users, 1=external users, 2=both

			'prefix' => img_picto('', $this->picto, 'class="paddingright pictofixedwidth valignmiddle"'),
            'titre'=>'List Animal',
            'titre'=>'New Animal',

  1. Interface show that the object is well created

However no left menu is showed
Yet I can access the animal create or animal list if I modify the URL.

I also try to add setup in mymodule/admin/, I can see that I have now two settings but the new one isn’t accessible :
Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Capture du 2023-11-29 12-45-48

(I follow the tutorial Développement module - Dolibarr ERP CRM Wiki)
And I noticed that the URL is wrong : /admin/testmar4_setupapage.php@testmar4 as it should be custom/testmar4/admin/testmar4_setupapage.php@testmar4.

That’s why I think I have a path problem but I don’t know why.
If you have any idea, please feel free to help me !
Thanks ! :pray:

Dolibarr version 18.0.0

I confess that I also always have problems when I have to create the menu items, the documentation is not clear and the pre-compiled code in the Module-descriptor does not cover all the needs.
When I get stuck, I usually try to work both on the descriptor and directly on the llx_menu table, I’ve always succeeded :slight_smile:

Hello and thanks for the tips.

I solve the problem by replacing my ModuleBuilder files. I was working on a test instance and I noticed that ModuleBuilder was different from my production instance. ModuleBuilder from prod works great, I just quickly saw that the difference between the two versions were about paths (absolute or not).

I don’t understand what you did exactly can you explain?