Need help to get 20.0.4 to run with secure php setup not years old php versions.
Fresh install. Running first run install script. When will install I am told I have to use a 2 year old version of PHP which has been fixed now for years. Are there any plans on updating core so we can use security fixes for PHP? PHP Versions • PHP.Watch ? I have 8.3.11 installed locally in my lxc. I would hope that we do not have to turn back time and fo back to 8.2.0 or lower just to get this working.
PHP 8.4 is over 3 months old now. Let’s get at least up to 8.3.17 that fixes many security issues. 8.4.4 seems most stable and secure so far. The required version (or less) came out in 2022 - much has been fixed in 3 years we should try to get this sorted and updated for 20.0.x + versions on…